21 Day Fix COMPLETE! Results and Reviews are in!


Total LBs lost/gained:  8 lbs LOST

Total Inches lost/gained: 7.5 inches LOST

I have listed some of the things I have learned while competing on the 21 Day Fix:

  • Yes, I said COMPETING.  I was competing with myself – could I do this?  Can I finish the 21 days?  Am I going to give up after 7 days? 14 days?  My answer: F*** NO! I will finish!
  • You cannot be too hard on yourself.  Some of the exercises are difficult but you have to push yourself to your own limit – see how far you can go and you may surprise yourself.  I sure was.
  • Who knew I would be excited about working out.
  • Results do not happen overnight.  This is a lifestyle change.  One day at a time, one pound at a time.
  • The first week – be prepared for headaches.  Getting used to the clean eating may cause some headaches.  They do pass, I promise.
  • Don’t focus on the scale – you are building muscle, which weighs more than fat.  Focus on how you feel on the inside.
  • As my mother always, “LOVE YOUR BODY!”  Seeing and feeling a change has to begin with you.
  • Giving up red wine was harder than I thought.
  • Being on a diet doesn’t mean you have to eat salad for every meal.  We aren’t rabbits.  “There’s the salad! Now, leave me alone!” (Gavin and Stacey reference)
  • Shakeology is amazing and I will most likely have this as my breakfast/after workout drink for a while.
  • Autumn Calabrese, I love you and I hate you.  But I mainly love you.  It is very hard to believe that this woman pushed me and made me work harder through a DVD.

Beachbody’s moto is “Decide. Commit. Succeed.” And this is exactly what you need to do if you want this to work. Yes, after 21 days you might not see dramatic results but, if that did happen, would that be healthy? Probably not. Like I said before, there is no quick fix. It is a lifestyle change.

Would I recommend this product to family/friends: Hell yes.  This may not be for everyone.  This is not a quick fix.  In 21 days, you may not see the results you thought you would get but I do believe this is a great way to jumpstart a healthy eating and exercise regimen.

So what happens after the 21 Days….

I will be heading to Centrolina tonight.  What? I haven’t had ANY pasta in 3 frickin’ weeks, I’m getting some ravioli!

But in all seriousness, I am going to try to keep up with the portion control.  I do believe that 21 days is a long enough time to change a habit and I feel like my old habits are gone – my sweet tooth and snacking have totally changed.  I will most likely bring the red wine back into my life, but still in moderation… sometimes.  I will be better at going to meetings at Weight Watchers, not just for the weigh-ins.

There you have it!  If you have any questions or comments about the 21 Day Fix, I would be more than happy to help.  Feel free to contact me.  Hopefully I would be able to assist, if not, I will get you in contact with my Beachbody Coach!

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